Shady Hollow Flea Market 2015

I visited Shady Hollow Flea Market last year. It is now an official date for my husband and I.
Let’s start with the “man things”.
Here is my favorite guy, looking at old plates.
And here is what he came home with.
I love the oil cans all there together.
And lots of wrenches.
There were some new cabin “stores” built this year.
If we had smell-o-vision, you would appreciate the FRESH sawn wood. It was just heavenly. IMG_4398
School Chairs.
Adding machines, complete with animated paper roll.
Baseballs, and some rustic wood art.
Now we have moved more into Ladies’ territory. This super neat kind of slinky wreath form was “stuffed” with vintage silver Christmas balls and then decorated with other assorted charms and what-nots .
You all know how I love a sac made into anything. Feed bag, coffee bag, old flour bag….
I liked this one, but it lacks a little je n’sai quois, and did not come home with me. High marks to them for this modern take on upcycling and on Feed Sac product.

There is one booth that specializes in pyrex and corningware.

I think these are vintage pyrex butter print Amish Cinderella print. They are lovely.

Unfortunately, they owner liked them too. The price there is about double what e-bay is showing. Oh well. How was I going to get these home undamaged anyway?

This booth/table was the best of the show.
If you look WAY down the picture, you’ll see his fabulous collection of Red Wing Stoneware. He was super nice and he and his wife really took pride in what they sold. Their stuff was clean and out and they knew a lot about what they had.
I bought this little gem from them.
I got some other little goodies which I will share at a later date. All in all it was WONDERFUL. If you ever visit, I highly recommend a trip to the flea.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


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