Shady Hollow Flea Market

In the Northern wilds of Minnesota is a little flea market called Shady Hollow. We vacation near Detroit Lakes (“D.L.”) each year, and my husband and I love our annual trek.
Essentially, there are tiny cabins the size of really big ice houses making little ‘avenues’ in a field and then the “cheap stalls” are tables or just slices of lawn around the outside. .
The flea markets that we frequent near us (in San Francisco) are a little less sophisticated and much less “merchandized”. This Shady Hollow market has elevated the whole art of display to a new level. Starting around the perimeter things are just up against trees or in the grass.
This tub begged me to take it home. I love the ribbed texture! (Not exactly a candidate for checked baggage.)

The wire baskets were calling my name. And there were a couple of these pretty copper pots here too. They even had lids! (I am seeing these less and less now and they are commanding higher prices, so to see two was a treat.)
I love the beautiful old wooden skis. Be they water or “winter”, I love them both. And I never met an old ladder that I didn’t have a conversation with. This one is so handsome. It is still “rungs” instead of “steps” rendering it even MORE charming. (and less practical)

(The crutches are a buzz kill, don’t you think?)

This is where my husband and I part ways. He skirts the edges, and meticulously scours the tools (American Vintage car tools, if you please). And he looks for vintage license plates. I am doubtful that there is a single surviving old license plate in America that he does not own, but I guess if we travel to another state there are pockets of them that survive out of his care. Until he spots them, that is.)
I work my way to all of the little cottages. They are dressed up, almost like stores. Super savvy crafters and collectors are having a BALL decorating their spaces, and displaying their collections.
Ball Jars with rafia and local flowers. (and by local I mean within 100 yards)
Here is a stone and chicken-wire, elevated to a garden art object.
Beth Schaleben of Patina White has a cottage.
Outside on a rainy day.
And here it is on the inside. Darling.

I have a special place in my heart for vintage dishes.
These green ones were lovely.
This is one of the sweet cottages. Although the sea gull metal ornament is more “west coast beach house” than “North woods Cabin”. I still love it, rust and all.
You could pick up  all the shabby chic you can handle – old doors, chandeliers, frames, and vintage mirrors in weathered old frames.

A lit up globe.

And you are well familiar with my obsession with burlap. (Christmas Stockings, coffee sleeves…)
I found these, but, you already know that I have a substantial stash, and a local supplier.
In the end, Rob went home with a whole collection of vintage plates.
vintage plates

And I returned with a vintage “California” handkerchief.
I just LOVE the colors! I could design a kid’s bedroom around these colors!
(So, can you guess who spent less? NOT that it was a contest! But I did show great restraint!)
Happy Summer “Flea” season to you all!

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


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