Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #15 – Cool

On this side of the globe we’ve reached that time of the year where is it hot, sometimes just nasty hot. So, let’s think cool for our projects. It can be something made to keep you cool, or something made from cool colors, or something that makes you think of cooler times.

Here are some ideas from our archives…
Susi’s felt casserole cozy keeps the casserole warm, but your hands cool.
Iron Craft '13 Challenge #24 - Paper Snowflake Trees
Paper snowflake trees make me think of cold winter days.
Iron Craft '14 Challenge #16 - Etched & Dipped Vase
A cool blue vase that is etched and dipped in white paint.

Reveal day is Tuesday, August 2nd. Please only share in progress photos before that date. Tag photos with IC1615 and Iron Craft.

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© 2005 – 2016 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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