Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #2 – Hearts and Flowers

This is a challenge I can’t resist posting every year, it’s the Hearts and Flowers challenge. Your project must included hearts, flowers or both. Yes, I post this challenge because Valentine’s Day is less than a month away, but your project does not need to be Valentine’s Day themed at all.

Here are a few things from our archives to get you thinking…
Iron Craft '15 Challenge #1 - Pretty Paper Posies
Pretty Paper Posies
Heart Bookmark
Heart Bookmark
May Flowers Mittens
May Flowers Mittens
Recycled Sweater Hearts
Recycled Sweater Hearts

Reveal day is Tuesday, February 2nd. Please only share in progress photos before that date. Tag photos with IC1602 and IronCraft.

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© 2005 – 2016 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
9 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #2 – Hearts and Flowers
  1. Pingback: Iron Craft #2: Crocheted Heart Monitor Robot | Tawny Bee

  2. Pingback: Mrs. Mouse’s Flower Cart | Crabapple Crossings

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