Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #15 – Crochet Embellished Tee

For this Iron Craft challenge we were asked to make something tiny. Is this tiny enough?
Iron Craft '15 Challenge 15 - Crochet Flower Embellished Tee
Crochet flowers not even as big as a penny. I’d never done crochet with thread, just worsted weight yarn, so this was a new challenge for me. Plus, I had to relearn some of the basics do crochet, it’s been awhile. It took a little getting used to and the tiny hook kept splitting the thread, but once I got the hang of it these were quick work.

I was making them with a plan in mind. Recently, I went out to dinner with a friend and she had on a shirt embellished with little crocheted flowers. I really thought it was cute and that it would be easy to do my own version.
Iron Craft '15 Challenge 15 - Crochet Flower Embellished Tee
I picked up a t-shirt at Target that is a little nicer than your average tee, it has a scooped neck and a soft drape, to work with. I think the flowers just give it a little some extra without being over the top.

Crochet Flower Embellished Tee

This really doesn’t need much of a tutorial, but I know someone will want to know what the pattern is or size thread or hook size, so here it is.

  • crochet thread, I used Aunt Lydia’s Crochet Thread in size 3
  • crochet hook, I used a No. 0/1.75mm
  • t-shirt
  • straight pins (optional)
  • thread to match crochet thread
  • hand sewing needle
  • scissors

1. Wash and dry your t-shirt

2. Crochet flowers. I used this pattern from Todolwen.
Iron Craft '15 Challenge 15 - Crochet Flower Embellished Tee
You could do flowers of different sizes or colors. I may still go back and add in a few flowers in black. I made twelve, but only ended up using nine. Block the flowers if you wish, I didn’t bother.

3. Put the t-shirt on and play with the layout of your flowers until you find one you like. Pin the flowers in place if you wish. (I would have liked to, but I can’t get to my straight pins and the new wood floor in my craft room is being varnished!)

4. Using the matching thread, hand sew on the flowers. I didn’t want the flowers to me really stuck down, I wanted them to have movement away from the shirt. I did a few small stitches around the center to hold the flower in place and then one larger stitch between each of the petals.
Iron Craft '15 Challenge 15 - Crochet Flower Embellished Tee
A bigger flower might require more stitches to keep it from sagging.

I am considering sewing a little bead in the center hole of each flower, but since I can’t get to my bead stash right now that decision will have to wait.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
10 years ago by in Challenges , Crochet , Crochet Projects , Iron Craft , Needlecraft , Projects , Sewing , Sewing Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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