Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #1 – Paper White Bulbs

I like the smell of paper whites, and they always look so cheerful, so I was happy to have the IC challenge to do something with flowers. Here is my take on Paper Whites.

Project Paper Whites:

  • bulbs
  • planting medium (soil or stones or marbles)
  • pot or container (no hole in the bottom is better)

This project is not rocket science, it is simple and straight forward. That is all the more reason I wanted to post it, it just reminds you that can do this in no time at all and you will get weeks of happy results.

I bought these “kits” (on super sale) and brought them home.
I thought they were ready to go, but even just picking them up (and feeling the very light package) was my first clue that something was not as it was pictured here. In the picture it looks like 10 – 15 bulbs in a glass planter.
I opened them up and found a green plastic pot, so cheap and ugly, and 4 bulbs. (Again, these were SO deeply discounted that any disappointment I had with the contents was quickly forgotten.)
Each package came with a dehydrated pellet of Coir Fiber and instructions on how to rehydrate it.
The bulbs were in good shape and looked like they had been stored well. So, I set out to get them into a state that looked more like the package.
I added water to the fiber pellet, and watched that expand.
Then I took a fork to it to fluff it up.
I arranged the bulbs in the soil.
A note about the pot. I like to use glass so you can watch the roots grow. I also like to use an exceptionally tall container, because when they grow, the neck will hold the long stems together so that they do not flop over.

Put them in a warm window. And there you have it! Spring in a glass vase!

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