Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #15 – Embellish

For this challenge we want you to add a little something extra, a little bling, a ruffle or an iron-on patch. Basically, we want you to take something else and add an embellishment to it. This speaks out to clothing, but you can embellish anything, a dish from the dollar store, a thrifted painting, a roll of boring wrapping paper…

Here are some ideas to get you thinking and there are more on our Pinterest board.
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Embellish a tee with strips of ruched fabric
#293 - Creepy Doll Candle & Skull Plate
Create fun candles and plates with waterslide decals
Marimekko Inspired Sneakers
Dress up some sneakers with fabric markers.
finished gloves
Make a pair of rubber gloves fancy.

Reveal day is Tuesday, July 29th. Please only show in progress photos before that date. Tag
photos with IC1415 and IronCraft.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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