Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #13 Round Up

As we head into the Fourth of July weekend here in the States, we asked the Iron Crafters to create projects using stars or stripes or both.

(Click on any picture or the link under it to see it bigger and read more.)
NY Star Cards
IronCraft 1413 Stars
Kate’s Great Crafts
Iron Craft '14 Challenge #13 - Wonky Stripes Pillow
Just Crafty Enough – Kat
stars stripes Ironcraft-1
Play Sculpt Live
mens polo to dress refashion
Adventures of Lauren

Iron Craft 14

DC Pride no sew shopping bag. One of those projects where I had a plan and totally borked it. Parchment paper is NOT freezer paper! Spray adhesive is really sticky! Glad I didn't try for a stenciled tshirt first.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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