Project Project Runway – House of Cornish #12

This was the Butterfly inspired Avant Garde Challenge.

To add to that, we moved and EVERYTHING is in a box. Fair enough. I had a “make it work” challenge and, surprisingly, the dress really hit the mark! (in my humble opinion.)
Let’s start the show.


The fabric is inspired by the spots on the butterfly that are supposed to look like eyes. I liked the “rustic polkadot” feel of this pattern.
I pulled the bright fabric in and did some Barbie size piping. : )

The bottom of the skirt reflects a butterfly, but is not too literal. (It is not symmetrical)mosaic8434ecfe993c1b8382a5af67ac6c459f96981079

Here is the gown “walking”.  It’s half open on the left and all the way open on the right. It is dramatic, and the color is rich.

I will just add an apology to Nina about the styling. Can I call that “Avant Garde” and get away with it? My model was very uncooperative at hair and make-up. Sorry Nina.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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