Iron Craft ’13 Challenge #21 – Traveling Tea and Honey Set

Ok, it is official, I can sew with my left foot! So, I decided to sit down and whip out my Iron Craft project. And I do mean whip out, this took less than an hour.

We were to make something to do with beverages for this challenge. I am not a good sleeper, I have problems falling and staying asleep. I have found that having a nighttime routine has helped with this immensely. That routine is to have a cup of Sleepytime Tea with Valerian while reading in bed for about an hour before going to sleep. Because that routine is so important, I take my tea with me when I travel (Typically just throwing a few bags right in my luggage, not the most sanitary thing.). While most hotels have a way to make hot water in the room, rarely do they have honey which is my preferred sweetener for tea. Thus came my idea to make a traveling tea and honey set.
Iron Craft '13 Challenge 21 - Traveling Tea and Honey Set
I had saved this little jam jar to use as a candle perhaps, but realized it was the perfect size to this project. It seals tightly, so I don’t have to worry about honey getting all over everything, plus it holds 3oz, so I can take it in my carry-on when flying.
Iron Craft '13 Challenge 21 - Traveling Tea and Honey Set
The tea holder helps pad the honey jar to prevent breakage. It’s not a big elaborate project, but it certainly solved a problem for me.

Traveling Tea and Honey Set

The measurements I give are to fit my jar and my tea bags, but you can easily adapt it. My holder holds 4 tea bags.


  • 8″ x 12″ piece of fabric
  • matching tread
  • small jar
  • velcro (I used the self-sticking type)


  • scissors
  • sewing machine or hand sewing needle
  • pins

1. Fold the fabric in half so the wrong side is facing out and it measures 8″ x 6″. Using a 1/4″ seam allowance, sew the open 8″ side and one 6″ side. Turn right side out.

2. Fold the open side in about 1/4″.
Iron Craft '13 Challenge 21 - Traveling Tea and Honey Set
Top stitch down both long sides.
Iron Craft '13 Challenge 21 - Traveling Tea and Honey Set

3. Fold to create a pocket and top stitch the short sides together (this will close your folded in edge too).  It is folded to be about 3″ tall, so the part folded up is actually about 1/4″ down from the top.
Iron Craft '13 Challenge 21 - Traveling Tea and Honey Set

4. Stick or glue about a 2″ piece of velcro on your jar.
Iron Craft '13 Challenge 21 - Traveling Tea and Honey Set
Put 1″ pieces of the matching velcro on either end of the tea holder. Make sure to line it up with the velcro on the jar.
Iron Craft '13 Challenge 21 - Traveling Tea and Honey Set
Now I am all set for my next trip.

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11 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft , Projects , Sewing , Sewing Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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