Project Project Runway Challenge 3 – An Unconventional Coney Island

Welcome to season 12 of Project Runway and a new season of Project Project Runway! If you want to join in the fun this season get all the details here. Let’s jump right in…

Challenge – An Unconventional Coney Island
A second unconventional materials challenge already?! Design an outfit from items you could win at a carnival, amusement park or fun fair. (No, we aren’t making you go and actual win them.) Think stuffed animals, plastic toys, balloons characters, silly hats, etc…

Photo from Lifetime

Photo from Lifetime

Oh yeah, the outfit should be inspired by three sensory words that describe frozen yogurt, how is that for a product tie in? Yeah, I know. (Though seriously, I think I heard only one team mention their three words on the runway and I never heard the judges ask.)

Budget – $20

Time Limit – 11 hours

Accessories – Choose your other accessories from the Belk accessory wall.

Runway Day – Runway day is Thursday, August 8th.
Just a reminder only in-progress photos should be posted to the Flickr group before Runway Day. Save the big reveal for next Thursday. Please tag your photos with PPR3 and ProjectProjectRunway.

More drama again this week. I agree it was time for Unicorn Boy to leave, three challenges in and he has only designed awful things. In my opinion, the Domo dress should not have been in the top two, it was really not at all original even if it was fun.
One quick Google of Domo dress and I found the picture above. Other than the color it is almost exact!

Really, I think the outfit by Jeremy and Ken should have been up there instead, it was very urban chic, very London (how the heck did they make those pants!). What did you all think?


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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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