Iron Craft ’13 Challenge 16 – the idea anyway…

For this Iron Craft challenge we were to make something using something vintage or inspired by something vintage or retro. I had grand ideas, but instead spent my week packing, cleaning and moving. Even though I didn’t get my project done, I thought I would tell you about it and show you some inspirations.

My husband and I have a soft spot for pretty blankets. Luckily, we live in a climate where they get a lot of use in the winter. For our new loft, we wanted a way to display the blankets other than just over the back of chairs and couches. What we want is an vintage ladder we can attached to the wall and hang blankets from the rungs.

We like the idea of mixing vintage, rustic pieces into our modern loft space.

I actually found a ladder I really liked at local store called Art and Architecture that specializes in reclaimed pieces from old homes. It had an interesting shape at the base and a worn grey color with a touch of light blue. Matt, unfortunately, wasn’t sold on that particular ladder, so the search goes on. If we don’t end up finding something, we may have to make one like Wise Craft did and then perhaps distress it.

(Click on any picture to be taken to the original source.)

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