Granny Square Sampler Afghan – Week 12

This week for Wise Craft’s Granny Square Sampler Afghan Project we did a Granny Square Swirl.
Granny Square Sampler Afghan - Week 12
I can’t say this is my favorite square as far as how it looks. It makes me think of tie-dye which I’m not a huge fan of. It did knit up really quickly though. The new skill I learned this time around was working with more than one color in a single round.
Granny Square Sampler Afghan - Week 12
This meant having four live colors at a time. The biggest issue really was keeping the colors that were waiting to be used from unstitching. I found pulling the loop out a bit helped with that.

I have to say I’ve been spending a lot of time in the hospital with my dad over the last two weeks and crochet has helped keep my hands very busy. I love knitting, but find the crochet is even easier to do when you need something a little mindless.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Crochet , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Granny Square Sampler Afghan – Week 12
    • Cynthia
    • I’ve done this Pattern many times. I personally like it. How I learned to handle the 4 active yarn colors was to use the little stitch markers that look like safety pins that open and close in each loop and just move then along as I work each step/row.There is no accidental loosening of my work that way. One of my favorite color combo’s was to just alternate two colors like black and whit or red and white….it gives it a bit of an optical illusion art look.

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