Granny Square Sampler Afghan – Week 10

When I saw this week’s square for Wise Craft’s Granny Square Sampler Afghan Project I really wasn’t too wild about it. I don’t know what it is, it looked a little flat and not very interesting in the photos. We were told it would add more dimension to our afghan, but I couldn’t see it. Oh, I was wrong.
Granny Square Sampler Afghan - Week 10
I loved the way this Popcorn Flower Square looked in my colors. Plus they were fun and quick to hook up. The demo pictures really didn’t show the dimension in this one.
Granny Square Sampler Afghan - Week 10
But you can see how the popcorn stitches really jump off the square. Another great new technique to add to my growing crochet repertoire.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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