Iron Craft Challenge #14 – Denim Armrest Project Bag

This time around on Iron Craft, we asked everyone to make projects using denim. For me, it was a good excuse to go through all the old pairs of jeans crowding my drawers. Most will go to charity, but I chose a pair with some holes worn right through to use for the challenge. I struggled with what to make when Matt suggested I make a bag to hang on the armrest of the couch to hold all my little crafting supplies. (I guess he was tired of various needles, threads and scissors all over the coffee table.) So, to the sewing machine I went.
Iron Craft Challenge #14 - Armrest Project Bag
An old pair of jeans makes this a really easy project because it already has pockets build right in. So, all it takes to make this is a few cuts and a few straight seams. Matt is happy stuff is put away and I’m happy I actually can find everything I need easily. It’s the perfect size for my current mitten project in the main pocket while the front and back pocket hold embroidery scissors, extra needles and such. I also like that I’ll be able to keep sewing needles handy by weaving them through the denim.
Iron Craft Challenge #14 - Armrest Project Bag
I do want to go back and add a weight to the piece that hangs over the armrest, so it can hang on the outside without falling off when I want it out of the way.
Iron Craft Challenge #14 - Armrest Project Bag

Denim Armrest Project Bag

(click any picture to see it bigger)


  • pair of adult jeans you no longer want (kids jeans just won’t give you much storage room)
  • scissors
  • pins
  • thread
  • sewing machine
  • denim needle for sewing machine (if needed)
  • weight such as metal washers or fishing weights (optional)

1. Lay your jeans out flat. Cut down from the top next to the zipper until about 1″ – 1 1/2″ lower than the back pocket. Then cut across to make a rectangle.
Iron Craft Challenge #14 - Armrest Project Bag Iron Craft Challenge #14 - Armrest Project Bag
Here is my piece seen from the front and back. I needed to square it a bit after cutting.

2. Fold so the right sides are together. Sew the bottom and sides seams together. Seam allowance is really up to you, but I used a 5/8″ and then trimmed it afterwards. Turn right side out.

3. Cut a length of one leg long enough to go over the arm of the chair or couch where you work plus six inches or so more. I kept the bottom hem of the leg intact. Cut the leg open along one side seam. Fold in half with right sides together. Sew into a tube that fits inside the top opening of the bag you’ve already made. Sew one of the short sides together (if you are using the hemmed bottom, sew the other end together.). Turn right side out. Sew the other short side together.
Iron Craft Challenge #14 - Armrest Project Bag
If you want to add a weight to keep your pouch hanging over the outside of your armrest without falling off, sew it in to the bottom of this piece before sewing the last short side together.

4. Sew the leg piece into the inside waistband of the bag.
Iron Craft Challenge #14 - Armrest Project Bag

Now hang it over your armrest and fill it with all your bits and bobs you need on hand.
Iron Craft Challenge #14 - Armrest Project Bag

13 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft , Needlecraft , Projects , Sewing , Sewing Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
53 Comments to Iron Craft Challenge #14 – Denim Armrest Project Bag
    • Kathryn
    • My son is always going through the legs in his jeans and misplacing the remote – going to put this on my future project list to solve both of those issues. Thanks for sharing this with us:)

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