Granny Square Sampler – Week 9

This week for Wise Craft’s Granny Square Sampler Project we learned how to make a 3-D granny square flower.
Granny Square Sampler Afghan- Week 9
It was a little tricky at first learning how to knit into the back of a stitch to get the 3-D effect, but after the first square it was much easier. Another new skill learned! It is a fun effect, though I don’t think I’d want to do a whole blanket of them. A pillow might be cool though…oh, I have an idea brewing now…
Granny Square Sampler Afghan- Week 9
Just looking at all these squares together really makes me happy. It so doesn’t match my decor at all, but I love it.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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