Iron Craft Challenge #8 Round Up

In honor of Earth Day the Iron Crafter spend this challenge reusing and remaking things.

(click on any picture to see it larger and read more)

Onion bag bath toy holder Earth Day Craft
Recycle for Earth Day Iron Craft Challenge #8 - Men's Shirt Redo
IC8- Love your Mother...Earth Birdie String Holder Thingie
Recycled Butterflies Hummingbird Feeder 9
IC#8: Crafting with recycleables. The French Strawberry Jam Jar Vase Iron Craft # 8: Crafting w/ Recyclables. Tin can decoupage using original doodles
IC#8: From free kitten tote box to cat play house! Iron Craft # 8- Love your mother...Earth
Iron Craft recycled little notebooks

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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