Iron Craft Challenge #6 Round Up

This week Iron Craft is all about those sugary, sweet Peeps. Boy, did the iron crafters have fun with this one. Don’t forget, this challenge is a contest and entries are due by Thursday, March 29th to be included in judging.

(click any picture to see it bigger and read more)

Challenge6C Bunny Peeps Ballon Image
Iron Craft- # 6 Peeps Iron Craft #6- Hunger Peeps
Iron Craft #6- Peeps Iron Craft #6- Peeps
Iron Craft #6- Peeps Peeps Headband
Peeps Pops (a craft fail) Blue Peep Group: Easter Rehearsal
IMG_7182 Peeptallica!
Two Peep in a Jeep Peeps Pinata
IC #6: Peeps Theme Iron Craft Challenge #6 - Peeps Pillows
Peeps Necklace 8 Iron Craft - PEEP (Mod Podge Nail)
Iron Craft - PEEP (Rice PEEPsy Treats) IC6
Pop Up Peeps Card

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Iron Craft Challenge #6 Round Up
    • Chinnu
    • I gave up on this challenge last year- Lack of idea.
      Gave up on this challenge this year- just to sit back and enjoy!!
      Love all the submissions….simply creative and amazing!!!

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