PPR Challenge #2 House of Cornish

The challenge was: “Take a nice budget, and create a lovely gown appropriate for the Opera.”

I held my breath waiting for the twist. “And make it out of scavenged material from the bins around Times Square” or “make a companion look for a pregnant pug dog”. Mercifully, that kind of drama never came. So off I skipped into the workroom to make a lovely gown. I heard Badgley & Mischka say “don’t do black unless you are prepared to ‘wow’ us.” I went with black. And I aimed to dazzle.
The gown has a little bit of a Carol Brady Hostess Dress influence, with a dress, and then a full skirt 4/5ths of the way around that, but not in the front.
(This dress could not by warn by your average figure. There is no forgiveness in the ‘tummy’ area. So only flat stomach, 6 ft amazons need apply.)

I did make a fascinator hat as well. Because, I had to. This is the ALL STARS for heaven sakes! And I am up against Mondo!
There is a lovely dramatic volume in the back. But the fabric is not hard, so this would be comfortable to sit in for the night, and not look too bad at intermission!

I love this gown. I would like to think I could wear it. But no, i have neither the body nor the tickets for this dress. Maybe I will wear the fascinator though!
My model came in with the black shoes, and they worked. So I ‘edited’ and did not shop ‘the wall’ for shoes.
I cannot wait to see what you all did!

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Challenges , Project Project Runway | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to PPR Challenge #2 House of Cornish
    • Tawny
    • I love this look! So elegant. And the black really did WOW me. The fascinator is fabulous. Being up against Mondo, you definitely have to bring your A game – fascintators and cool accessories all the way 😀

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