Iron Crafter Summer Winner

Boy, was this one close! We were in a three way tie for quite a while. I can see why with all the amazing projects to chose between. Ok, so without further ado the Iron Crafter Summer is..

Jenny from A Mom and 2 Things for her Beach Towel Makeover.
Beach towel make over
She gets this season’s prize package and the Iron Crafter Summer badge for her site.

Thanks to everyone who participated and voted. Our next contest will be Iron Crafter Fall in November.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
5 Comments to Iron Crafter Summer Winner
    • Kat
    • Seanna – The two projects that were in the three way tie with the towel were #9 the Beach Ball Lanterns and #15 the Summer Art Quilt.

    • Chinnu
    • Was away the weekend, didn’t get to vote 🙁 But this is so much as i had guessed….had guessed the contenders too!!

      Congrats Jenny!! It’s a great project!

    • Lori
    • Wow…. really, I am so flattered that I was a contender. Oh my goodness you all made my night. But I say, cheers to the winner- its a cute idea. Oh my goodness, I think I am going to go float up the stairs tonite on my way to bed.

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