Iron Craft Challenge #33 – UFO

We’re not talking beings from another planet here, we’re talking about something even scarier. Something that lurks under the beds, in the closets and behind the chairs of every crafter….The Unfinished Object (cue scary music).

This week we want you to finish one or more of your UFOs. It can be something you started and never finished or something you bought the supplies for, but just never got around to making.

Is it a sock that where you dropped a stitch and haven’t gone back to pick it up?
A mitten without a thumb?
A barely started embroidery project?
Yikes, these are only a few of the UFOs I have hidden around my house. Let’s all get inspired to finish things up this week.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
11 Comments to Iron Craft Challenge #33 – UFO
      • Kat
      • Chinnu – I think it’s because we all have a ton of unfinished projects. I plan on being really productive this week myself & trying to finish something everyday if I can.

    • Seanna Lea
    • This is a great idea (I thought that the last iron craft was #33, so I need to update my Flickr tags). Does it have to be a previous week’s iron craft project? Or can it by any project that has been sitting around for far too long.

      • Kat
      • Seanna Lea – It does not have to be a past Iron Craft project. I can be any project you’ve had sitting around your house.

    • Manisha
    • This is exactly what I need for this week. I am two months behind on a birthday project and have another one to do by September. Thanks so much for this. It feels like a breather, but really I’ve got to get some things done!

    • amy dame
    • i’m in the midst of cleaning my studio space (which also happens to be my living room!) and i’ve realized that i have TWO RUBBERMAIDS full of UFOs. it’s ridiculous!

      • Kat
      • QAMom – There was a mistake & challenge #33 & #34 both ran. We pulled #34 as soon as we saw what happened & tried to let everyone know through Facebook, Twitter & Flickr. If you’ve done a project for it just hold on to it until next week. Sorry!

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