Quilt of the Day: Local Ginko

Kathy and I love sending each other links to beautiful quilts that capture our attention and inspire us. We dream of making them all ourselves someday. We hope they inspire you too.

Look at this neat Ginko pattern quilt. I love the motif. “this is not your grandma’s quilt”! Such great color choices.

Ginkgo stencil quilt
I clicked through to see the details, and, what do you know, it is a class! And its LOCAL (to me!) And he is teaching this stencil technique.

This guy’s work is AMAZING.
pink unicorn quilt
Dan. That is his name.
green stag quilt - detail
Here is his web site

Piece and Press

He does an amazing job using neutrals. He picks color with incredible impact. His designs are so modern, but they all have a familiar element.

Stunning work.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Needlecraft , Quilting | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
4 Comments to Quilt of the Day: Local Ginko
    • Susi
    • Pink, I am requesting time off from “my boss”. (Weekends are big ‘family time’.) How could I NOT try to go and meet this guy?

    • Dan
    • Thanks for the feature, Susi! I didn’t realize the class was already full. I’ll do it again, if it goes well. (my first class — yikes!)

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