Fancy Gloves

This week’s challenge was to figure out a way to beat the heat.Here in San Francisco, our summer is not due to start for another month or so.  The heater still clicks on softly in the evening, when the cool pacific breezes start to blow over Diamond Heights. (“when the fog starts to roll in over the hill”.)

I was a fan of the old BBC “How Clean is Your House”, and they had these outrageous fancy gloves.

Kim and Aggie: Fancy gloves

Kim and Aggie from BBC’s How Clean is Your House

I have wanted do a pair for about 4 years now.
Here is where this all came together. These gloves protect my hands from the “hot hot hot” water.
gloves and oil cloth

my gloves and oil cloth

I had the oil cloth at home, and the gloves.

fancy gloves

The supplies: cuff material, scotch tape, gross grain ribbon (not pictured, the sewing machine)

I love the pattern on this fabric, so I made the pleats carefully to feature the neat flowers.
I made the cuffs and pleated them using scotch tape.

fancy gloves

cuffs pleated and ready to sew

Then I sewed them on with a gross grain ribbon with a zig zag stitch.
finished gloves

my new embellished gloves

I did not have “fun” sewing heavy rubber (and oil cloth, which both grip and stretch) on my home sewing machine.  They are not perfect. (!!!) (I only broke one needle, and I did not have to go to the Doctor to look at the grievous bodily injury I inflicted on myself.) But now that it is done, I am glad to have the fancy fun gloves!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Craft Projects , Iron Craft , Projects , Sewing Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
3 Comments to Fancy Gloves
    • Seanna Lea
    • These are awesome looking. I understand about the machine though. I made a dress years ago that had about 6 layers of panne velvet. I ended up doing it by hand (and had the sad fingers to prove it), because I could get better force than my machine.

    • Kat
    • I wonder if a teflon foot for your sewing machine would help? I got one to use when sewing vinyl because the fabric won’t stick to it. What a fun project though.

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