Project 365: January 2015

Well, I’ve decided to dive in and do another year of Project 365 (taking one picture a day for a year). It really is great way of creating a journal for people like me who aren’t so much into writing one. I do the project with a private group on Facebook and they are a great incentive to keep going, plus I get to peek into the lives of the other members all over the world.
January started out quietly with a good luck breakfast of black eyed peas, we’ve enjoyed so mild enough winter weather in Minneapolis to grill outside and my husband registered to return to school. Of course, there were lots of craft projects too. The month ended with my mom going in for open heart surgery and this continues to be the theme into February.

If you want to see any of the pictures bigger or follow along as I go, I have a Project 365 set on Flickr.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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