IC ’14 Challenge #25 Sleeve Scarf

For this challenge we needed to do something we could finish in an hour. I have a lovely friend who had a wrap like this one, and I have wanted to try one for a long time. I actually want to knit it, but for this challenge I sewed one.

Sleeve Scarf

  • merino knit fabric 68″ x 22″
  • thread to match

First let me talk a little bit about the fabric. This is the most delicious piece of merino wool that you could ever imagine touching. I got it at Britex, and have just held it, waiting for the right occasion. This was it!

The first step is to taper the sleeves a little bit. Fold the fabric in half (the long way) with right sides together and measure 12″ in from the edge. Make a mark 3″ up the cuff, and make a cut.
Without moving the piece, pin the angles that were just cut, and sew 12″ in on both sides. I used a stretch stitch, and a 5/8 seam allowance here.
The area between the two sleeves needs to be hemmed. Make the smallest folds that you can (two 1/2 inch folds) and sew the hem down. Take care to hem the piece “under”, so that the hem is an extension of the seams in the sleeves. If the piece is still right sides together, you will hem “out” towards you, so that the hem shows. To help with this long-side hem chore I actually ironed the hem folds down. I found it helpful to sew the knit between tissue papers here. The tissue helped me move the fabric through the machine without creating a ruffle effect. It is a little bit more work to pick the tissue off afterwards, but the result is smooth nice seams, so it is worth it.
Lastly, make a hem at the cuff end of each sleeve. Turn the hem under in the smallest folds you can manage. (For me, two 1/2 folds) I used a stretch stitch again, this time I did not use tissue paper. But the sleeves are on the selvedge edge of the fabric so it was an easier operation.

This took a little bit more than an hour, but I am sure that if I had these diagrams, that I could make one in less than an hour.
The piece can be worn just around the neck, like a scarf. Or it can be a little extra warmth with the sleeves. Or it could be worn flat across the back like a conventional wrap.
It is the perfect versatile garment. And the good news is that it really is going to fit 98% of adults. So if you are making it for someone who is not right in front of you available for detailed measurements, you will still be successful. I hope that this one is headed for a trip to London!


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10 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft , Needlecraft , Projects , Sewing , Sewing Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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