Project: Faux Frosted Candle Holders

I love having candles around my house, especially this time of year when it is still cold and dark. Lit candles (whether they be a real flame or a battery operated candle) can enhance the feeling or coziness, or what the Danish call “hygge,” in your home. If you are like me and like to change your candles up for different holidays and seasons, you know it can get expensive. My trick is to take simple plain candle holders and dress them up temporarily. For Valentine’s Day this year, I used wax paper and ribbon.
Faux Frosted Candle Holders
Double-sided tape holds the wax paper and ribbons on the candle holders. The wax paper softens the candlelight making the glass look etched without committing to anything permanently. Decorative paper punches cut out shapes for the light to shine through. I found the ribbon in the dollar section of Target, four different kinds on a roll for just $1. I really like the crisp look of these red and white ribbons.
Faux Frosted Candle Holders

Faux Frosted Candle Holders

plain glass candle holders or jars (ones with straight sides are easiest to cover)
double-sided tape
ribbon (optional)

exacto knife or rotary cutter
decorative paper punches

1. Measure your candle holder and cut a piece of wax paper to fit. You can cover the whole candle or just part of it.
Faux Frosted Candle Holders
I found a rotary cutter worked best to get straight cuts.

2. Use a paper punch to stamp out shapes if you wish.
Faux Frosted Candle Holders
I have to warn you, not all punches are created equal. This snowflake punch cut through cleanly with nice detail, but the heart punch struggled at the bottom point. I had to clean them up with an exacto knife.

3. Cut small pieces of double-sided tape and place on the candle where the edges of the wax paper will meet at the back. I found it best to put a piece at the bottom and top of the wax paper.
Faux Frosted Candle Holders

4. If using ribbon attach it with double-sided tape as well.
Faux Frosted Candle Holders
I think the ribbon gives a nice finished edge when you aren’t covering the whole candle with wax paper.

As well as the Valentine’s Day candles, I did some with snowflakes for winter.
Faux Frosted Candle Holders
So simple, but I think striking when lit. When I am ready to change my candles up for spring, the tape and wax paper are easily taken off.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
10 years ago by in Craft Projects , Crafts , Holiday , Projects , Valentine's Day | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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