Looking for my craft mojo

I don’t know about you guys, but I seem to have lost my craft mojo since the holidays ended. I can’t seem to make my ideas come together for projects I want to make. And if I do come up with an idea, I can’t seem to motivate to start it. It’s crazy because this is the perfect time for crafting, when snow and cold have me trapped inside.
1/16 Pattern Writing
I have been working on my February mittens. Though I admit I’m stalled at the hand of one mitten done and the cuff of the second. I pick them up, knit a few rows and then end up playing Candy Crush instead. Even looking through Pinterest doesn’t seem to hold my interest these days!

I know this will pass, but I’m frustrated with myself for not spending more time creating and less time clicking on candies. I need some advice, what do you do to help jump start your creativity?

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