PPR Challenge 3 – Kat’s Design

Three challenges in and we are already on our second unconventional materials challenge. I have to say, I have normally loved the unconventional challenges, but I found this one really hard. On the show they went to Coney Island, won all sorts of prizes on the midway games and turned those prizes into their designs. Since I’m not running off to an amusement park any time soon (and heaven knows I wouldn’t be winning prizes like the designers seems to), I needed to find similar type items at a store. Since the prizes are usually pretty cheap, I figured the dollar store would be a good place to get some.
PPR Challenge 3 - An Unconventional Coney Island
Really there was a lot less choices than I expected and I didn’t have time to run around checking different places. Finally, I ended up with these two stuffed animals. I figured at least the colors weren’t obnoxious. But man, this was not good material to work with. The fuzzy stuff was, well fuzzy, and the other side of the sting ray was a very cheap, thin white fabric. I cut, unstuffed, made a mess of my work space and tried a bunch of different options. It was not a fun afternoon in the work room.

Here is my final result, a black, fuzzy coat dress.
PPR Challenge 3 - An Unconventional Coney Island
The fuzziness takes it a little towards the muppet side, but I think the fit and the black keep it from looking too ridiculous. The sleeves have some puffiness to add a little drama. I like the look of the powerful shoulders and stand up collar with the short slim fitting skirt. I can see some starlet wearing it on a red carpet at something like the MTV awards.

For accessories, I added a modern black pump with a zipper up the back and a little metallic on the heels. I kept the necklace and bracelets on the simple side, because the dress itself is such a big look.

I’m not sure how the judges will react to my look this week. The full fuzzy dress is a little bit daring. I think Kelly Osbourne and Heidi would find it fun, but not sure if Nina would think it was too much. That said she liked the fuzzy Domo sweater this week, so maybe I’d be fine. At least, I’d hope to be safe.

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12 years ago by in Challenges , Project Project Runway , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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