PPR Challenge 1 – Kat’s Design

It’s back to the workroom with season 12 of Project Runway and a new season of Project Project Runway. For our first challenge we were asked to show our design style using parachute fabric. I picked up my fabric is a royal blue and gray. I also picked up some “parachute rope.”
PPR - Sky's the Limit
I had a vision for a blue gown with a panel of gray billowing out one side. Yeah, this nylon rip-stop doesn’t billow, so I had to rethink my design.
PPR Challenge 1 - Sky's the Limit
I still did a gown with a gray insert in the skirt but I kept the insert slim and much shorter than the rest of the gown.
PPR Challenge 1 - Sky's the Limit
I did some ruching in the bodice to invoke the idea of being swept away like skydivers are in the wind. I used the rope for a strap detail.
PPR Challenge 1 - Sky's the Limit
From the Belk accessory wall, I chose a pair of silver sandals and bracelet.
The final look was not was I originally intended, but I still stand by my design. I think I probably would have been safe this week since I didn’t send a hairdressers smock or a barefoot model down the runway.

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12 years ago by in Challenges , Needlecraft , Project Project Runway , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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