PPR Challenge 1 – House of Cornish

Here we GO! Up up and away.

I went and looked for parachute fabric and did not hit the glorious colors that our designers were faced with in the fields! They had translucent pinks, tangerine, cotton candy, fuchsia, sky blue. I was staring down black, royal blue, white and red. The end. So I heard Heidi say, “Go!” and I picked red and white. (no black or I would have been admonished.)

All the comments the designers made about “it’s hard to work with this stuff” were all so true. The fabric I used had a rubbery coating on one side and then a slippery side. Neither one was friendly.
I made a very unfortunate choice for my model and I. I actually pulled my model’s head right off, so I could get a better fit. The head came off with minimal damage, I sewed the dress freely and fit it on my model easily.
And then, when we were ready to go down the runway, her head did not reattach. It is just comical. She looks like a really well dressed girl, in New York city, who got involved with some  bad drugs, and decided to leave the party while she could still make her own way home. I’m afraid I have ended this model’s career.
My look is some serious color blocking.
A trench coat over a color block dress.
I tried to work some details into the finishing, so that when the judges get so close they can smell the dress this season, they will see “fine workmanship”.
The sheath dress is also color blocked and asymmetrical.

I am happy with the look. I will defend it on and off the runway.

I am happy to be back in the workroom. This is an exciting season for me. So it will be fun to watch things unfold.
Heidi said she liked this dress. Nina said it would read well in a shoot. I’ll be back next week.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Challenges , Project Project Runway , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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