Preschool Project: Live Milk Colors

This week we did a science project and watched.

Live Milk Colors


  • Whole Milk
  • Full strength dish detergent
  • Food colors
  • A white plate (white works best)

Pour a bit of milk to cover the bottom of the plate. It needs to completely cover, but it does not need to be deep.
The kids can do the drops of food color wherever they would like.
Then add one drop of dish washing liquid  and watch. The colors literally come alive.
The grease cutters in the detergent react to the fat in the milk, and the reaction literally moves the milk and the color around.

Make sure to use full fat milk. We didn’t try heavy cream, but next time we have a party, we will. And be sure to use full strength dish detergent. The “green” products don’t produce as strong a reaction.

It was a super fun project. We had such a great time with this. The kids gathered around and we did it several times with the colors in different places and the soap in different places. Squealing ensued.

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12 years ago by in Crafting with Kids | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Preschool Project: Live Milk Colors
    • Seanna Lea
    • Very cute. I know some adults who haven’t grown up too much to stop enjoying things like this. I’ll have to remind them of this and see how much fun they have.

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