Quilt of the Day

Karen Moore, Nature Momm on Flickr made this stunning Bird Quilt
Another finish
Boy is that something.
Annie, by Valori Wells
I love the white, and the sharp colors.
The 1 inch piecing on the sides is striking, and so well done.
close-up of quilting
And then, the scallop quilting over the birds is lovely. It reminds me of roof tiles. (In a good way.)
And really, how lovely is that old barn?! Don’t you just want to have a Marthaesk picnic out there?

The quilt is called Annie, by Valori Wells.
Here it is in a kit form, if you feel the itch to do one yourself.

Happy summer projects to all, and to all, a fresh peach!

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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