Men’s shirt redo – Casa Cornish

Kathy found a tutorial to make a top from a mens shirt. She liked it so much she made two.
The tutorial was from Jezze Prints. Kat let us know what she had done, and what had gone well for her. I was intruiged, so I wanted to give it a try too. I found a shirt that I thought was an amazing candidate at a thrift store ($7.00). And here is my adventure.
I started with a bigger shirt. I thought that maybe I could make one that was long enough to wear with leggings underneath. Throughout the process, I tried a lot of different style choices. Especially with the sleeves. I tried a camp sleeve with a cuff and an above the elbow cuff. But what it looked like in the end, was just a shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
I did use some seam tape at the neck. I made my own. (shown above “in process”)
I did change the buttons, as Kat suggested. And that does have a nice impact.

My lessons would really all be about the size of the shirt. I didn’t have the issues of the hips fitting, only because the shirt would have fit comfortably around a sofa when I bought it. I ended up with a puff cap sleeve, because I didn’t like any of my other trials. I did sew the pleat together down to the small of my back. I am looking at putting in some darts or taking the shirt in, especially in the arm-pit area. But I do not want to interfere with the fabric pattern any more. It is busy enough.

I wore the shirt all day today, and I like it. I am not sure if I will make another one, but you never know! It depends on what I find at the thrift shop.


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