Iron Craft Challenge #30 – Ring of Fire

I have to admit I was really stumped by the Iron Craft challenge of Hot, Hot, Hot this week. It’s kind of funny as I’m the one who came up with this challenge! I was inspired though by the button rings A Bird in the Hand and Pinkzilla made for last week’s challenge. So, I decided to make one in colors that remind me of fire.
Iron Challenge #30 - Ring of Fire
My husband says it’s a pretty lame project for the challenge, but we can’t all have a brilliant idea every week. I also got a little crazy and started making a whole bunch of other rings.
Iron Challenge #30 - Ring of Fire
Sit me in a room with a bag of cheap buttons, some ring blanks and a tube of super glue and apparently I can have hours of fun. I think my favorite it the black and white one with the white button set off-center on the black. The peppermint one will be fun to wear around the Christmas.

I learned a few things while making these too…

  • Buttons with hanks can be used to make these too. Mine were all plastic and I could cut the hank mostly off with scissors and then file them flat.
  • Careful with the super glue. I had a little too much on the orange ring and it ate into the finish of the plastic buttons. You can see the white, rough area in the picture above.
  • I want to make more button jewelry!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Crafts , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
5 Comments to Iron Craft Challenge #30 – Ring of Fire
    • Pinkzilla
    • Your husband is wrong! This isn’t a lame project for this challenge! Button rings are the epitome of Hot, Hot, Hot and super fun to make as you discovered 🙂 I like the pink one (shocker) and the peppermint ones the best, but they all turned out great 🙂

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