Challenge #30 Round-Up

It’s Hot, Hot, Hot this summer and that is what is on the Iron Crafters’ minds this week!
finished gloves
I love Susi’s take on the challenge making fancy gloves to protect her hands from hot water.
Iron Challenge #30 - Ring of Fire
The heat was frying my brain this week, so the only thing I could come up with was this ring of fire.

Here’s how the rest of the Iron Crafters took this challenge.

(click on any picture to see it bigger and read more)

Freshly churned doggie ice cream Christmas in July
It's hot- pot holder Hot challenge
banana_cherry_pineapple_sorbet_happycakecrafts_7_11 Hot Hot Hot
IC30 What's hotter then a wearing fur on a summer day?
IC 30- "Welcome Baby" wreath Margaritas!
Shrinky Dink Bracelet 5 pink tank top refashion
IC#30: Crocheted Red Hot Chili Peppers Hot Hot Not Top

Second round-up to follow as the projects come in.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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