8 weeks to a Sweater: Week 5

As we travel this road to a sweater – that we all have vowed to finish- before the holidays – we have reached week 5.

From the sound of it, the shoulders and shaping threw many of us into Slow Motion.

I managed to get through the color work on the shoulders of my sweater. And I managed to learn the language of the author of the pattern.

And while I picked a pattern that is called “top down” from a book that says “top down” in the title, my sweater is sort of the anti- top down. Yes, I am knitting from the top to the waist. But EVERYTHING about my sweater is just “knitting” a regular sweater from the shoulders to the armpits.
Once I hit the arm pits I did join the whole thing up, and started going back and forth.
And it was then, after so many color work hours, that I made an executive decision. I added three stitches to the front, and I am going to do the sweater in the round, and steek it. (cut the front open and add the binding.)

Kathy is cruising along!!
Dawn - Week 4
She is down by the waist band. The beautiful cable work is coming out in this picture.

How is your sweater?
Show us a picture!!!!

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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