Emergency Lamppost Cozy

So, I the end of last week Saint Paul Cozy realized that there were going to be a few no-shows with lamppost cozies, so they put out a call for some emergency ones to made for drop-off on Sunday. I had a lot of yarn left from knitting mine and knew with some size 17US needles I could get something done on time. I was asked to make a cozy that fit a 24″ x 52″ post.

I kept it really simple and just did garter stitch with the yarn doubled. I worked flat this time, no time for steeking! I went for a rainbow look with the colors mixing together between changes. I really wish I had had some orange though!

I’m not sure where this one will go. The cozies will all be up along 4th St. in Saint Paul either by today or tomorrow. (The snowstorm Monday put things a little behind schedule.) I’m heading over this weekend and hope to get some good pictures.

The Pioneer Press had an article about the installation yesterday which you can see here. Apparently, we are brazen!

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