On the Needles: Another Sweater for Me and Fox Paws

I’m in one of those spaces right now where I feel like I don’t have enough time to knitting everything I want to knit. And it’s not like I am even knitting present or anything!

I was so happy with my Ravello sweater that I was excited to start another sweater for myself right away. I didn’t have one in mind, then I ran across the newly released Spooner sweater by Yellowcosmo.

Oh, I love a funnel neck and I love the colorwork. I was sold. I thought it would be lovely in alpaca, so I am knitting it in Knit Picks Andean Treasure. I am using a much more subdued palette, as much as I love the original, I cannot pull off yellow or yellowy-greens.

I also have plans to change the front of the sweater, so it doesn’t open. I do like the way it looks, but I know I will wear it more if it is more of a traditional pullover. Hopefully, it’ll be an easy change.

Yarnover, the Minnesota Knitters’ Guild’s convention, is coming up in April. Since it is spring people show off shawls instead of sweaters like they do at Rhinebeck. I started a simple black shawl, but really I’ve been itching to try my hand at Fox Paws by Xandy Peters.

Isn’t that an amazing looking pattern?! You get the look by working stacked decreases and increases. I did the practice pieces the designer provided to get the technique down and then knit up a swatch of one repeat.

This is actually my first swatch. I took it out and did a second one with smaller needles which I prefer. This is going to be quite a project, because it is not mindless knitting. Xandy has written the pattern in a really great way to help you do each row and check your stitch count, but you have to pay attention. One of the local yarn stores here recommended putting in life lines on the most complicated lines, which I just might do.

So, what do you have on your needles?

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© 2005 – 2017 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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