Icelandic Yarny Goodness

Well, I managed to get all the yarn I bought in Iceland home in my suitcase…ok, my suitcase and Matt’s suitcase.
It was so hard to stop myself as the yarns are about half the price as here in the US. Here is what I bought.
These are the colors I chose to make my own Icelandic sweater. Oh, I realized the white isn’t in the picture, so add that in too. I decided against the blue because the Léttlopi blues didn’t has as many nice choices. I have to wait until my class in April on designing the yoke to get started on this.
This was a new yarn to me, Einrum E+2. It is a beautiful mix of Icelandic wool and Thai silk plied together. The silk gives it a beautiful shine.
IMG_9043 (1)
It is made by the people who make Lopi, but for the Einrum brand. I bought enough to make a sweater and also a pattern for it. This one I will be starting as soon as I finish the two projects on my needles.
I liked this yarn so much, I also bought a few balls as gifts.
Now all my shopping wasn’t for me. This was the Einband I bought for my friend Shelley, so she can make Monsina by Lars Rains. I told you the yarn is cheaper there, this all cost $50!
I also picked up a few kits to giveaway at the next Knitters’ Guild meeting.

Later in the week, I’ll tell you about places I found to buy yarn in Iceland since some of you asked.

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