Take a shopping trip

I love Anthropologie, their clothes are cute and clever and so far from generic. Some of their pieces represent more fashion risk than I can take. But I appreciate that “they went there” or they tried to get me to go there.
Keith Johnson is a buyer for Anthropologie and they made a TV show about his job. (It came out a couple of years ago. But I loved it then and I was recently reminded of it. So I am not bringing you late breaking news here. Just sharing a favorite.)
Man Shops Globe. It follows Keith around on his buying trips around the world.
What a dream job! Wow. It is so interesting to see the markets and Bazaars that he visits. He applies a critical eye to each piece he finds, to decide if it will sell on the “mass market” in America. And if it is priced right to be able to ship home, and distribute to stores, and still make money. Travel and shopping in one show! Ideal. And I have to say, after watching for a little bit, I did not come away saying “Oh, phft, I could do that job”. He is super experienced, and professional. And he is a seasoned traveler.

Happy Viewing.

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