I recently hosted knitting lessons.
Lesson 1 is here
Lesson 2 is here
Lesson 3 is here
and finally lesson 4 here.
Some of the ladies finished their bags, felted them and brought them in. They turned out so well, I wanted to show you.
First, Violet made a red bag.
This is from Cascade 220 doubled. She added a lovely flag yarn as an accent. After she felted it, she took it one step further, she hand beaded the stripe!
It looks amazing.
THEN, she crocheted butterflies which she felted and beaded.
Who knew, we taught her to knit, but she was already an accomplished hooker! She will have to teach us to crochet.
Next is Tobee’s bag. This one went in a whole different direction.
We learned that white does not felt. Who knew that? The result was interesting, and completely unexpected.
But when we saw it, we thought that she had done that on purpose. The unfelted yarn stripe actually ruffled, because it didn’t shrink as much.
Tobee used Brown Sheep for her bag. (And right there, on the web site it says that white does not successfully felt.)
I cannot wait to see the rest of the bags as they are finished, felted, dried and come back. Stay tuned.
Happy Knitting!
© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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