Learn to Knit Class 1

One of the items that I put into the Preschool Auction was a Learn To Knit Class. I am hosting a series of classes every Monday to teach a group of lovely ladies to knit proficiently.

This week we had our first night of class. It was outstanding! First order of was to just read the pattern a little bit to get a sense of the language they are using. We talked about the pattern, what gauge is, how to buy yarn for the the pattern. (But everyone had supplies for the class already, and brought them with them.)  We learned long tail cast on. It seems hard, but it is the most flexible, strongest way to start a project. So it is good to learn the “hardest” one first. This pattern calls for 120 stitches for the medium size, so everyone got lots of practice.

The pattern we are using is Fiber Arts, Fabulous Felted Totes. (pictured here) It is really an ideal first pattern, for a lot of reasons.

  • The cast on is on the bottom of the bag.
  • The bag is felted, so all the anomalies or imperfect stitches will disappear.
  • It is knit in the round, so you can just learn to knit first. And learn to purl later.

Once we cast on, and counted our stitches, we were ready to start knitting. But this project is knit in the round, so it was super important to talk about a mobius, and how to avoid knitting one. Once everyone’s stitches were straight, we were ready to go. We learned the knit stitch. And everyone got at least one round completed.

At the end of the class we practiced putting the project down, picking it back up again and organizing the stitches to start knitting. I also issued a warning to keep the project out of cats’ reach. (Oh, this was a surprise to some of the new knitters.)

I have taught oh so many knitting classes. And you know what? I missed it! I forgot how FUN it is to share the joy! Everyone “got” it. Each person, with their individual level of past knitting experience (from none to some) and each learning style, and level of flexibility with the the results… it is all good. It is just plain brave to be an adult and come out in a public place and say “I am going to learn something new”. And I am thrilled to be around to watch someone humbly come to try something new.

One of the ladies said on the way out “Oh, it was everything I hoped it would be. It’s everything I wanted it to be!”  That is EXACTLY how I feel about knitting!!  It is everything I need it to be.

And with THAT – What am I going to cast on next!?!?!

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Learn to Knit Class 1
    • tc
    • the Fabulous Felted Tote does feel like a perfect first project! thank you Susi, we are so *lucky* to have you to teach us. it was a lovely class. mobius avoided!!!

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