I’m still looking for some good wall art for my living room since the big entertainment center went away. My husband and I love to travel so maybe something using maps would suit us.
Pottery Barn shows this map triptych, one picture slipt up into three pieces and hung together. This would be very easy to DIY with any large map and frames that fit your decor. Using ropes to hang them like they did would look great in a nautical or more rustic decor.
Also from Pottery Barn is a city map on a plank. All this one would take to make is a map, some mod podge and some wood. (hmmm, maybe a use for the pallet hanging out next to my house?)
Any other great ideas for different ways to use maps as wall decor?
Click on the pictures to be taken to their original source.
© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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