Advent Calendar Project – Week 7

(Every week until December 1st we will be making a small Christmas ornament that can be used in our Pocket Advent Calendar. Join us in making all 24 or just pick and choose your favorites.)

This week I am traveling to help my mom and dad out while my dad has a hip replacement, so I’ve asked our friend Dr. Russ at NY Star Cards to come up with this week’s advent calendar ornament. Of course, he went above and beyond and created two! Dr. Russ is a master when it comes to paper crafts, so his ornaments are made from pretty decorative papers.
Advent Calendar Project - Week 7
The cool thing about these ornaments is that they are flat when you put them in the calendar and then they are opened by the recipient to get their finished shape.
Advent Calendar Project - Week 7
Visit NY Star Cards to get the detailed instructions to make both of these, the Onion Dome and the Paper Ball. I can’t wait to try my hand at them when I get home.

By the way, Dr. Russ will be doing ornaments for us two more times before we fill our calendar.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Advent Calendar Project , Christmas , Craft Projects , Crafts , Holiday , Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Advent Calendar Project – Week 7
    • DrRuss
    • Kat,

      Thanks for the opportunity to post some of my ideas. I wish you safe travels and a speedy recovery for your Dad. Best wishes–russ

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