Road to the State Fair – 5 Weeks to Go

I was traveling over the last week, but did use some of the airport and plane time to work on my flying pig mittens for the MN State Fair.
flying pig mittens
I cannot tell you how many times I have had to tink back because I messed up part of the pattern. The last time it was something like six rows, six rows of colorwork! Lesson learned? Check my stitch count more often. Other than that the knitting has been relatively easy. It fits me perfectly.

I am not completely happy with my ability to keep a consistent gauge, especially where I’m switching needles. There is also a little puckering. A lot of that will be fixed with some good blocking.
I am really happy though with the pattern itself and how it looks knit up. My husband, Matt, wanted me to leave the wing off the pig as he thought it didn’t add anything. I decided to leave it on because a flying pig is just that much better than a regular pig, right?!

Looks like I’m going to have no problem finishing the pair by submission deadline since I am so close to finishing the first one already. (Though we knitters know how hard it can be to do the second of any pair.) Next week I should be showing you at least one full mitten.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
3 Comments to Road to the State Fair – 5 Weeks to Go
    • Terri Sue
    • Oh, I love, love, love them. One of my favorite things to say is, “When pigs fly.” It is always said under my breath after my husband has said he will do something. His chore list goes on forever and they are things that I am not physically able to do. I love your pattern and would love to be able to knit it up someday, but that would have to be when pigs could fly………….i.e. my husband finished his chore list. lol

    • Manisha
    • I’ve been reading your posts these last few weeks and just today realized – you are knitting again! I’m glad you are recovered from the surgery. Anyway, so I just know that I am going to feel so proud to know you when I go to the Fair this year and see your piggy mittens with a blue ribbon next to them! Perfect pattern for the Fair.

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