Project – Knit Candy Cane

Here’s a low-fat way to enjoy candy canes over the holiday, knit them up!

Wouldn’t that be so cute on the top of a package or hanging on the tree? (Plus they won’t get all sticky like real candy canes) I put them in all the pen and pencil holders around the house in December.
Knit Cane
I used Cascade 220 in off white. And then the red is the most delicious ball of special American made yarn called Rabbit Ridge, from Alaska! It is variegated reds, and so so rich.
rabbit ridge
The cane itself is a knit i-cord. Most of the stitches are done in white, then one red stitch staggered through the cane. (Never knit an i-cord before? Knitting Tips has a video showing how, just scroll down the page.)
knit i-chord
Knit Candy Cane


  • red yarn
  • white yarn (scrap yarn is fine. you will not need a lot of yardage, unless you are going to make hundreds)
  • two double pointed needles that are the appropriate size for yarn. (or, one circular needle that you can slide the yarn from end to end.)
  • wire

Gauge: Since this doesn’t need to fit anyone gauge doesn’t matter. It will differ depending on the yarn you use, thinner yarn=smaller candy canes, thicker yarn=bigger candy canes.

Cast on 5 white (slide)
*knit 4 white, and 1 red, (slide)
knit 3 white, 1 red, 1 white (slide)
knit 2 white, 1 red, 2 white (slide)
knit 1 white, 1 red, 3 white (slide)
knit 1 red, 4 white (slide) *

Repeat until you have a cane as long as you would like.
When the cane is the length that you are happy with, then cast off. The cast off stitches will look like a straight line. So you will need to weave in the tail. Take the tail, and begin by weaving in the stitch opposite of where the tail is, to form the last row into a tube. Sew through all the stitches, gathering them up. Then bury the yarn in the middle of the chord itself.

To give the cane a little structure, I took a piece of wire, and carefully (slowly, carefully) stuck it into the middle of the i-chord.) I used a wire that is about as ‘firm’ as a pipe cleaner. If you are feeling really dextrous, you could knit the piece of wire INTO the i-chord as you are knitting.

I hope you like it. Have fun.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Christmas , Holiday , Knitting , Knitting Projects , Needlecraft , Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
5 Comments to Project – Knit Candy Cane
      • Kat
      • Arleen – When you are knitting an i-cord when you finish a row you slide all the stitches to the other end of the double pointed or circular needle. Then you start knitting the next row. This makes your knitting into a circle. If this is still confusing visit the link in the post above for a video of it.

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  2. Pingback: 13 Awesome Christmas Candy Cane Inspired Crafts

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