Quilt of the Day

Kathy and I love sending each other links to beautiful quilts that capture our attention and inspire us. We dream of making them all ourselves someday. We hope they inspire you too.

Here is a beautiful quilt.

It is a modern interpretation of a log cabin. And, interestingly, it is almost all white.
Modern log cabin quilt
I love the angles of the squares. And I love the binding choice.
Modern log cabin quilt back

Quilt by Insung from Namoo

The back is really sweet.
Bravo to Insung.

14 years ago by in Needlecraft , Quilting | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Quilt of the Day
    • NameSue Maynes
    • I thnk what makes this such an interesting quilt is the heavy quilting work itself. It gives wonderful texture. I’m not a huge fan of the over-simplicity of the piece but I do like the log cabin blocks themselves.

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