PPR Challenge 1 – Susi’s Design

This season started with a bang!

The challenge was to make something from the pajamas that ‘we’ were wearing. I was going to cut up some of my pajamas, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. So I was a little liberal with the rules, and I did what one of the contestants did. I used a pair of boxers. (and let’s set the record straight, these boxers were new, never-been-worn)
PPR # 1 Come as you are!

boxers and a handkerchief

The dress is made from a handkerchief, and the little jacket is cut from boxers.

“I love my kicky summer dress!”

On the runway, Heidi said “Tell us about your outfit.”
The handkerchief was so thin, it had the quality of a lovely summer cotton, so I was inspired to do a little summer dress, that would be made from a fine linen or cotton cloth.

dress at a garden party

I have had it with the ‘mess’ on the runway. I have been listening to the ‘judges’ (in my head) and their critiques from last season, and I tried to focus a little more on construction this year.

front detail

No messy hemline.  Attention to waistband details. And care taken to make sure it looks good from the back too.

back detail

So Micheal and Nina will not gasp, and hold their cards like visors over their eyes to try to see “what is going on” in the back.


jacket close up


Model at the end of the runway

I was super excited to see my pieces on the runway.
Micheal said “you listened to what we told you”
Nina said “nice work with the materials.”
Heidi said “I would totally wear that! But I would make the skirt shorter.”
Of course you would Heidi. But we would be happy to have you wear anything from the Casa d’ Cornish.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Needlecraft , Project Project Runway , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
11 Comments to PPR Challenge 1 – Susi’s Design
    • Swellanor
    • Lovely! I especially like how you used the patterns woven into the fabrics- the hankie stripes at the waistband and the herringbone chevrons on the jacket. And the contrast stitching is a great detail!

    • Tawny
    • Great tailoring on the back of the jacket. Love it! All of these entries are so good. I’m glad I’m not Nina, Heidi, Michael or Christina Ricci this week. They’d have a tough time with these talented designers in miniature 🙂

    • Susi
    • Many thanks! I am a giddy designer sitting in the chairs, looking at the judges response to my design

    • Lisa Paul
    • Both you and Kat really kicked it up a notch with polished, elegant dresses and jackets. WE need more contestants on the “real” show booted and you two put in their places.

    • Manisha
    • I agree with Lisa. This year you both have taken this to another fantastic level. So fun to see all your designs and it also seems like the models are enjoying themselves more this year, too!

    • Bonnie
    • This is a very pretty outfit, with terrific attention to detail. Your comment about the never-worn boxers made me uneasy, though. They have a washing machine in the workroom, don’t they? Don’t they??? Anyway, your outfit is lovely and your model is a winner! Not a stick-her-in-the-ground type like some. 🙂

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