Designing from the Pet Aisle

I have to say that the unconventional materials challenge has to be one of my favorites to do for Project Project Runway. This one, using items from the pet store, looks to be a fun one. When you look at the pictures of the supplies that have come into the Flickr group over the weekend, you just have to wonder how these are going to be turned into beautiful garments.
Pet Project Supplies
I was off the PetSmart Friday morning and got all the supplies above from the clearance section. I spent a total of $7. Cutting Bobo up makes me a little sad, but it’s all in the name of fashion.
For the life of me I can’t figure out what Pinkzilla is going to do with that rope dog toy. It’s so big compared to our models. She was even thriftier than me and shopped at the Dollar store.
Challenge Two
Suereal also went to the dollar store for her supplies. With all those balls, I just have to wonder if one will become her doll’s head after last week’s design?! (I have to give her a bit of teasing for having the most unusual model in the bunch.)
Supplies for My Pet Project Challenge
Tawny Bee went even thriftier and found pet store type supplies (or items she felt were like Barbie-sized pet supplies) around her house.
Challenge 2-Materials
I’m a little jealous of the silver elephant Onemillionjellybeans picked up at PetSmart. That is some great fabric. She has an aquarium plant as well, looks like that might be a trend among the designers. I wonder if we’ll all use them in similar ways.
Supplies for PPR- Pet Project
Swimmerchick is a little worried she might be crazy with all these small pieces, but there are some great colors there.
Challenge #2 - Materials
I think Swellanor may have missed it when Tim said no using live animals in this challenge!
Challenge 2 Pet Store Supplies
Liebschien is going with all straw which I think might be a great material to work with.

Have you purchased your pet shop supplies yet? Share them with us on the Flickr group, so we can wonder what the heck you are making too!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Project Project Runway | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Designing from the Pet Aisle
    • Lisa Paul
    • Oscar just donated some of his old doggie stuff to Susi. He’s excited to see how the challenge turns out as he and fellow terrier, Lucy, are great Project Runway and Tim Gunn fans.

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