Iron Crafter Feature – Alex Terry


 What is your name?
Hi. My name is Alex (aka Pinkzilla).

 Where do you live?
I currently live in Flagstaff, AZ with Mr. Zilla and our 2 dogzillas.

 What kind of crafts do you do? 
I mostly make fabric crafts like my Ragimals and Animal Pillows,  but I’m willing to make anything as long as it’s cute! I enjoy  making my own patterns so that everything I make is original and  unique. Recently I have gotten into quilting a little bit and have  been making mini art quilts for The Alzheimer’s Art Quilt  Initiative. I’m also starting to explore jewelry making.

Where do you get your inspiration?
I get inspiration from my loves. My family is a big inspiration. My mom has always been into crafts, so I grew up crafting a lot and I just never stopped. Both of my grandparents suffer from Alzheimer’s and that inspired me to get involved with the AAQI. My dogzillas are constantly making me smile and giving me new ideas. In school I studied both Interior and Graphic Design, so design really inspires me as well. Plus I am a huge nerd and that has me pulling inspiration from books, comic books, movies, and all of the other various things that my nerd heart hearts 🙂
What new crafts or techniques would you like to learn?
There are so many different types of crafts in the world and I am the type of person that wants to try everything at least once. I am always trying something new and that Is why I love the Iron Craft challenges! They give me an excuse to make things that I have been thinking about, but haven’t quite gotten around to yet.

Do you have a blog and/or Esty store? 
My Etsy shop is and my blog is Come check out the cuteness!

 Anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself? Other  hobbies, special collections, etc…

 I am journeying towards minimalism! I am ridding my life of the  excess so that I can live more fully in the now. That might seem at  odds with my crafter nature, but it has allowed me to clear away  distractions and focus on what I want to be doing; crafting and  building a business that I can be happy with! It is still a work in  progress, but the journey is half the fun and you can read about my  minimalist mishaps and get some tips on my blog if you are  interested.

If you are a member of Iron Craft and would like to be featured here send us a message through the contact form below.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft , iron crafters | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Iron Crafter Feature – Alex Terry
    • Susi
    • Pinkz, so nice to meet you.
      decluttering VS crafting. It is a push-pull. “donate that to a good home” vs. “what could I make from that”. It is a great question. And one that is a little different for each one of us given our space/budget/time/interests. But it is still a question that all of us wrestle with constantly. I’m glad you brought it up. I smell a post about it in the future. Or at least a Hiku. : )

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